Even though the dock is still not open--
the trail now is--for the 2nd time!!
and I did walk it late afternoon today--
and I had couple interesting friends waiting for me--
first was this guy--
a really pretty blue dragon fly-- Mr. Blue--
he kept hanging around and landing on green leaves for me to take his photo--
he was quite the show-off!!
then further on the trail--
a friend of his joined me-
Mr Green Jeans--he was busy though and didn't stay long!!
then around the corner I found some pretty flowers--
and then around another corner--
I was happy to see these--
one huge mushroom-
shading and protecting some smaller ones--
the smaller ones must be her kids!!!
and I found these out in Nancy's garden and they really looked like Fall to me!!!
We've got a couple cooler days...yeah...time to walk, indeed